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How to navigate CreationOnTheWeb

We value your feedback; please contact us if you have any suggestions or comments about the content, navigation or design of our website.

The information-content of our site is accessible in four main archives:

  1. The Creation magazine archives: Mouseover the ‘Periodicals’ menu, then ‘Creation magazine’, then ‘Article archive’
  2. The Journal of Creation archives: Mouseover the ‘Periodicals’ menu, then ‘Journal of Creation’, then ‘Article archive’
  3. The Feature Article archive (articles written specifically for the front page of our website): Mouseover the ‘INFO’ menu, then ‘Feature Article archive’
  4. The FAQ section (which is mostly made up of articles from 1, 2 and 3): Mouseover the ‘INFO’ menu, then ‘FAQ’

Use the search box

If you are looking for something specific, just use our search engine. Simply click in the box and type the word or words you are looking for. The more words you type in, the more specific the search will be. If you are not finding anything relevant, try using different terminology which may have been used in articles on the subject you're looking for.

Note: For the time being, you cannot do a second search on the page that opens (this is a Google issue) so please go back to the search box in the top-right corner of our website.

Use the links on the front page

Our home page is a hub to most of the important areas of our site.

Left column

Major Upcoming tours for your region are shown on the left. Below this are links to products on special in our web store, free signup page for our email newsletter INFObytes and information about volunteering for CMI.

Middle column

Our web feature articles are shown in the middle with a link to ‘More past articles’ if you wish to view the archives. Beneath this you will find different information from week to week or day to day, depending on whether any important news has been featured on our site. The lower box is where you'll find CMI announcements specific to your region.

Right column

The right column features a link to our FAQ section (click on ‘Questions answered’) as well as links to the archives and subscription options for our periodicals, Creation magazine and Journal of Creation. At the end of this is a ‘How you can help’ link, which includes information about donations. Finally are some links to our affiliated sites and a few extras like how to make COTW your home page and how to use our RSS Feed.

Use the links in the menu

The menu is almost always visible, so it is a great idea to become familiar with it.

  • HOME—click to return to our home page at any time
  • INFO—click to access our information archives, including the FAQ section, Creation magazine and Journal of Creation articles, the front page feature article archive, our weekend feedback archive, books that we have made freely available online, reviews, information about creation scientists and other biographies of interest, Quotable Quotes, arguments creationists should not use and, finally, a hub to the Creation for kids content we have online
  • EVENTS—click to view the current event calendar for your region or to read short speaker biographies
  • STORE—click to visit our online bookstore
  • PERIODICALS—click to access our Creation magazine and Journal of Creation articles or to subscribe or to read our writing guidelines
  • GOOD NEWS—click to read about the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ
  • LANGUAGES—click to look for articles in languages other than English (LOTE) or to find out more about translating CMI articles or products
  • ABOUT US—click here to read all about us, what we believe, our structure, what we do, the people involved, how to contact us, about our logo, our policies on privacy and copyright and also some ideas for linking to us from your website