
of Contents

Lesson 1
Planet Earth
Lesson 2
The Ground We Stand Upon
Lesson 3
The Earth’s Surface
Lesson 4
Erosion / Deposition
Lesson 5
Sediments / Fossilization
Lesson 6
Volcanism / Deformation of rocks / Continents
Lesson 7
Metamorphism / Radioisotope Decay
Lesson 8
Ways to date the Earth
Lesson 9
Great geologic events of the past
Lesson 10
Questions people ask

The Geology Book

The Geology Book
by Dr John D Morris

Lesson 4

Erosion / Deposition


The Geology Book


pp. 28-35


Genesis 8

Vocabulary Words:

  • Law of disintegration
  • decomposition
  • cavitation
  • kolk
  • turbidite
  • sedimentation


  1. List and describe the five main causes of erosion. How many types of erosion can you observe happening around where you live?
  2. Research various large hurricanes that have happened in the past few years. How much damage did each one do?
  3. Describe the rapid erosive processes (three are discussed).
  4. What is a “delta?”
  5. How is a turbidite formed?
  6. What causes a tidal wave (tsunami)?


This is week 2 of the experiment started in the last lesson. Has your mound decreased any? What caused this decrease?

Additional resources:


  1. Rain; Ice; Plants and animals; chemicals; ocean waves
  2. Allow students to do their own research.
  3. Cavitation occurs when tiny bubbles in moving water explode inwardly; plucking is where rocks are picked up by moving water; kolk is like an under-water tornado that breaks up rock.
  4. Slowing water from a river into a larger body of water deposits its sediments onto the sea floor
  5. First, an event such as an earthquake starts a mud flow underwater. Next the mud flow spreads out. Eventually the mud flow hardens into a layer of rock.
  6. An underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption causes a shock wave of energy to race through the water. As the wave nears the shoreline, it becomes a wall of water which slams into the shoreline.