
of Contents

Unit One

Lesson 1
& Ch 1

Lesson 2
Chapter 2
Part 1

Lesson 3
Chapter 2
Part 2

Quiz 1

Unit Two

Lesson 4
Chapter 3

Lesson 5
Chapter 4

Lesson 6
Chapter 5

Quiz 2

Unit Three

Lesson 7
Chapter 6

Lesson 8
Chapter 7

Lesson 9
Chapter 8

Quiz 3

Unit Four

Lesson 10
Chapter 9

Lesson 11
Chapter 10

Lesson 12
Chapter 11-12

Quiz 4

The Weather Book
by Michael Oard

Lesson 3

Chapter 2 (pp. 12–19)


The Weather Book, by Michael Oard.


Weather Facts (pp. 12—13)

Vocabulary Words


Discussion Questions

  1. Locate the vocabulary words in the glossary. Write the definition of each word.
  2. What was the highest recorded surface wind?
  3. Why does the air above snow stay so cold?
  4. Which two America states tied for the largest amount of rainfall in one hour?
  5. Where is the lowest air pressure found (naturally) on earth?
  6. Why is the Antarctic ice sheet called a polar desert?
  7. Write a poem about your favorite weather fact. Remember, poems don’t have to rhyme but they should express a strong feeling or emotion.


How to Read a Weather Map (pp. 14—15)

Vocabulary Words

cold front
dew point
warm front

Discussion Questions

  1. Locate the vocabulary words in the glossary. Write the definition of each word.
  2. What are the two types of weather observations?
  3. How often are the measurements taken for each observation?
  4. What role do computers play in predicting weather?
  5. Even with a computer, why is it sometimes difficult for a meteorologist to predict the weather?
  6. Suppose you are planning an outdoor activity, such as hiking or camping, for the next day. When you watch the weather report, do you hope to see an approaching high pressure or low pressure area? Explain your choice.
  7. Look at the graphic symbols on page 14 that are used by weather forecasters. Design some new ones that could be used for the following weather conditions: sunshine, partly cloudy, rain, and thunderstorm.


Jet Stream (pp. 16—17)

Discussion Questions

  1. What is the jet stream?
  2. What causes the jet stream?
  3. What is the average speed of the jet stream during the summer and winter months?
  4. What effect does the jet stream have on the weather?
  5. Which direction do storms generally move?
  6. Does the wind speed stay the same in the jet stream? Explain your answer.
  7. Why are jet stream charts important to weather persons?
  8. How fast would a balloon circle the world if placed in the jet stream?


El Niño (pp. 18 — 19)

Vocabulary words

El Niño

Discussion Questions

  1. Locate the vocabulary words in the glossary and write the definition for each.
  2. Name at least three unpleasant effects of El Niño on the lives of the people of Peru and Ecuador.
  3. What are some of the things scientists are trying to find out about El Niño?
  4. Why is the warm weather condition of El Niño not good for the fishermen?

Answer Key

Weather Facts

  1. See glossary.
  2. 280 mph (451 km/h)
  3. Snow reflects 90 percent of light energy back into the atmosphere.
  4. Missouri and Hawaii.
  5. The center of a tornado.
  6. The Antarctic ice sheet normally only receives an inch of precipitation per year.

How to Read a Weather Map

  1. See glossary.
  2. The two types of weather observations are surface observations and upper air observations.
  3. The measurements are taken hourly for the surface and twice a day for the upper.
  4. Computers draw weather maps and solve equations that tell the estimated position of the jet stream, the fronts, and pressure centers in the future.
  5. Meteorologists do not know enough about the atmosphere nor do they have enough observations. They need bigger and faster computers. Even then, the weather is so complex and chaotic that there will always be substantial limits as to its predictability.
  6. High pressure areas are generally areas of good weather.
  7. Accept reasonable answers.

Jet Stream

  1. The jet stream is a ribbon of high-speed wind in the upper atmosphere.
  2. A jet stream is caused by the differences in temperature between the tropical and polar latitudes.
  3. The speed of the jet stream is 90 mph during winter and 35 mph during the summer.
  4. The jet stream can cause storms (low pressure areas) and cold and warm fronts and steers storms.
  5. Storms move generally from west to east.
  6. The wind speed varies with areas.
  7. Stormy weather can usually be found associated with certain portions of the maximum wind.
  8. Fourteen days.

El Niño

  1. See glossary.
  2. Poor fishing, heavy rains, flooding, thunderstorms, and mud slides.
  3. Research scientists are trying to find out what causes an El Niño, how far the influences may extend, and what effect the two El Niños have on global weather.
  4. The warm water is poor in nutrients so there is less plankton and therefore fewer fish.