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Army atheist yells, ‘God save me’, as shells explode
How creation evangelism helped change the life of a scared soldier.
by Roger Griffiths
Refusing to be muzzled
A church job offer depended on agreement not to talk about creation; what to do?
by Don Batten
Is CMI only focused on one thing?
Far from being a ‘side issue’, focusing on Creation helps us to proclaim Jesus as Creator and Saviour.
by Erin Hughes
Effective witnessing with creation evangelism
We suggest some ways Christians might use creation resources in practical ways to reach unbelieving friends.
by Lita Sanders
At the cutting edge of creation evangelism
How to reach others with the Gospel message by starting conversations about creation.
by Warren Nunn
Seven ways to build a lighthouse
Equipping your children with as much information as possible is the best antidote to the onslaught they will face in a secular classroom.
by Tricia Wright
“What?… Teach my children unbiblical ideas?”
Simply knowing about ideas that contradict Christianity can help young people stand firm against them.
by Joel Tay
Interview shows public universities program students with anti-Christian bias
Students on an American college campus believe Christians should be given fewer rights than Muslims!
by Paul Price
Religion in schools?
A high school student thinks it’s a good thing that religion isn’t allowed in public schools. But is that really the case?
by Lita Sanders
Now you see it, now you don’t!
Some evolutionists insist they observe evolution happening all around us while others say it happens too slowly to be able to observe. How can it be both?
by Calvin Smith
Evolutionising the young
To counteract children’s natural tendency to believe in a creator, secularists press for the teaching of evolution at a younger and younger age.
by Dominic Statham
A full size ark and it floats!
An intrepid Dutchman builds his second floating ark; this time it’s humungous!
by Frans Gunnink