
Why I believe in biblical Creation

and why it matters


written for Kreaticon 2019 (kreatikon.de), scheduled for publication in Schöpfung.info #7 (schöpfung.info

Genesis: from awkward reading to fluent history


After coming to know the Lord Jesus Christ in 2004, I felt awkward every time I read the creation account in Genesis. It was in total conflict with everything I then ‘knew’ to be 100% scientific fact — that everything started billions of years ago in the Big Bang and that humans were descended from ape-like creatures. The confusion I felt was due to the fact that I could not identify from the Bible where the so-called myth ended and true history started.

In strong and genuine guidance from the Lord, I went to an Alpha Course in 2005, from where the Lord guided me to a local men’s Bible group. There I heard one pastor teaching very fluently from the Bible: he started with Adam and ended with the book of Revelation and the second coming of Christ, without a single glitch. Of course, at that time I thought that the pastor had no knowledge of True Science, but nevertheless I admired his childlike belief.

At the final meeting of the Alpha Course, I noticed that there was one seat empty next to me. And to my great surprise, the Lord guided the fluently-from-Adam-to-Revelation pastor to that very seat. So I started to ask questions. I have to admit that my intent might have been to show some academic know-how to that semi-ignorant theologian. Very soon my so-called scientific ‘knowledge’ melted like a snowball in the Sahara. Finally with the topic of radiometric dating methods, I realized how little I knew. Actually I hadn’t ever even heard about the issues this pastor so fluently described.

I wanted to know more and so I got a creationist book which provided the knowledge I yearned for so much. I remember reading the book every night and praying that the Lord would melt away everything from my mind that was not True. (With newly born daughter in the house the time for reading was pretty limited.)

Deleting deep time

So it became obvious to me that microbe-to-me evolution was total myth, but at first I still believed in the concept of deep time. This changed very soon after a friend lent me the book Refuting Compromise by Dr Jonathan Sarfati. What affected me the most was this brilliant Messianic Jew going through the Hebrew in the creation account and pointing out that there are no gaps and no ways to interpret the text as anything else but six consecutive normal 24-hour days. Since in Hebrew it easily could have been written in terms of long periods of time, but nevertheless was written specifically as six concrete normal days, then why not take the text as the writer so clearly intend us to do? As a software engineer, if I read a specification I tend to stick with it. And if I read a Divine Specification which indicates in the utmost clearest way that history started about 6,000 years ago in a 6 × 24-hour Creation Week, then the issue is settled and the case closed.

After that, I found out the multitude of evidences supporting the biblical age of a few thousand years of the Earth and Solar system. And this is exactly what one would expect if God really created everything as He so clearly states in Genesis! Furthermore, it is intriguing that many so called mysteries of science resolve themselves if viewed from this perspective.

Perils of theistic evolution

The greatest concern for me is Christians who think that God could’ve used evolution in ‘creating’ humans. I want to believe that most such people do this without considering the issue thoroughly. But nevertheless, it is a perilous thing. First of all, the term ‘creating through evolution’ is as (in)valid as ‘circular square’. Indeed, the Bible makes it very clear that death came after Adam and Eve sinned (Rom. 6:23). Period. Making God the architect of evolution makes Him a sadistic monster watching millions of years of bloodshed, sickness, raping, death and suffering — and then looking at EVERYTHING He made and declaring it all very good! (Gen. 1:31).

God created everything with the Word (logos = Jesus; Joh. 1:1). The Bible tells us that God created everything through Jesus and for Jesus (Col. 1:16). However, the logical conclusion from theistic evolution is that it was not Jesus but a process called evolution, and that the agent was not Our Saviour but Death. Jesus brings Life, not Death. Jesus rose from the grave and conquered Death. And in future, Jesus will complete His work by abolishing Death — the Last Enemy (1 Cor. 15:26).


Sadly, the eventual logical conclusion from theistic evolution is atheistic evolution, i.e. atheism. Why should we lead our children (or fellow Christians) to this slippery slope which could end up in total rejection of Christianity? I can but wonder at how opposite evolution is to the clear teaching of the Bible. Indeed, the only verse supporting evolution in Genesis is Gen. 3:1 “Did God really say…?”

Lastly, I am aware that there are many well-meaning Christians who wisely reject microbes-to-men evolution but who still think that deep time is not a problem. But alas, the first step on the slippery slope of unbelief is deep time. Even the most ardent evolutionist cannot imagine evolution without the concept of deep time. And this is why worldly ‘science’ will never tolerate the multitude of clear evidences we have for the biblical age of things. We should support and proudly promote the creationist research providing clear evidence confirming the Bible’s timetable of recent Creation and a global Flood.

Published: 28 November 2019

Helpful Resources

Refuting Compromise
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
US $12.00
Soft cover