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Page 9 of 12 (137 Articles)
What’s in a name?
Why did Moses use different names for God in Genesis chapters 1 and 2?
by Russell Grigg
Counting the stars
How many stars are there? The Bible got it right!
by Werner Gitt
Who wrote Isaiah?
Isaiah contains accurate predictions about the future, including the coming Messiah. So liberals have desperately attacked its authenticity.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati, Lita Cosner
Hidden messages in Scripture?
Is the plain meaning (i.e. the historical grammatical reading) of Scripture enough?
by Lita Sanders
‘Useful idiot’—who, me?
One correspondent took umbrage at the term ‘useful idiot’ to describe theistic evolutionists in a CMI article. Is the adage, ‘If the shoe fits, wear it’ justified?
by P Bell and J Sarfati
Ancient Near Eastern cosmogonies
Do they prove Genesis 1 should not be interpreted as reliable history? Plus a comment on the Hebrew word bara and heretical ideas by Dutch scholar Ellen van Wolde.
by Carl Wieland, Dominic Statham
Cain’s wife and brother-sister intermarriage
How could Cain have married his sister, if God forbade this practice in Leviticus, and his moral law is unchanging?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
First Adam—Last Adam
Both are vital to the gospel, but exactly how?
by Russell Grigg
Unfolding the plan
The concept of God is not something that has evolved, but is unfolded for us in the Bible, which tells us that God is Creator, Lawgiver, Judge and Saviour.
by Russell Grigg
The Incarnation: Why did God become Man?
Why did the Creator take on human nature? How does this relate to Genesis creation and even before that?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Is the Bible our sole final authority?
How do we know which books should be in the Bible which should not?
by Lita Sanders
Made in the image of God
What does it mean that human beings are ‘made in the image of God’?
by Russell Grigg