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Page 18 of 37 (444 Articles)
Spiders and ants inspire an unsinkable metal structure
Bug benefiting boat design
by Philip Robinson
Post-Flood log mats potentially can explain biogeography
Animals dispersing around the world by either land bridges or rafting is accepted by both creationists and secularists.
by Michael J Oard
Peacock poppycock?
Darwin’s attempt to explain how the peacock’s tail evolved is being sharply criticized—by evolutionists.
by David Catchpoole
Our created ear
What does the ear’s design show about the Creator?
by Andy McIntosh
Dolphin sonar (still) far better than man’s
Dolphins use ‘double sonar beam’ to narrow down prey’s location. Algorithm used to analyse this could help design better body scanners.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Animals eating animals
Animals used to be vegetarian, and they will be again. Should we feed animals a vegetarian diet now?
by Lita Sanders
Speedy sharks and golf balls
A key design feature of modern golf balls has been found on sharks, too.
by David Catchpoole
Amazing discovery: Bird wing has ‘leading edge’ technology
Jumbo jets have certain design features enabling safe take-off and landing at slower airspeeds than in mid-flight. It turns out that one of those design features—previously unknown in birds—eagles use brilliantly.
by David Catchpoole
The origin of the Carboniferous coal measures
Part 1: Lessons from history.
by Joanna F. Woolley
Sick, suffering monsters and the eugenicists who created them
How did eugenics give rise to many of the modern dog breeds?
by Lita Sanders
Blue eyes mutation
Many people of European descent have less melanin in their eyes, and it’s got nothing to do with evolution
by David Catchpoole and Robert Carter
Creationist modelling of the origins of Canis lupus familiaris—ancestry, timing, and biogeography
When and how did dogs diversify after Noah’s Flood?
by Cody J. Guitard