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Did Adam understand what death was?
Is it possible that Adam could not have comprehended death if he had not seen death?
by Charles Taylor
Is cancer ‘very good’?
Old earth creationists attempt to avoid the issue of ‘no death before the Fall’ by postulating animal death in the ‘very good’ creation. But is cancer and death ‘very good’?
by Calvin Smith
A meat-eating parrot!
New Zealand’s kea is blamed for the deaths of thousands of sheep.
by Paula Weston
To catch a kinkajou …
This south American carnivore ignores meat-baited traps, but goes bananas over bananas!
by David Catchpoole
The reality of suffering, and the Gospel confronting culture
The Gospel inevitably changes the cultures it encounters–and that’s a good thing.
by Lita Sanders
Is God a ‘moral monster’?
How do we answer challenges of ‘atrocities’ in the Old Testament?
by Lita Sanders
Bats—sophistication in miniature
For the amazing echolocation ability of bats to function properly, both emitting and receiving organs must be present, and cooperate. (There are other problems too, to drive evolutionists ‘batty’.)
by Paula Weston
Is God inconsistent?
Is the God of the OT different from the NT?
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
The good news
Does it make sense without the bad news of the Fall?
by Shaun Doyle
Skeptics challenge: a ‘God of love’ created a killer jellyfish?
How to answer a common objection from scoffers.
by David Catchpoole
The ‘bird of prey’ that’s not
This fierce looking bird, with its sharp, hooked beak, and vicious ‘raptor’ talons, looks ‘obviously’ designed for tearing and devouring flesh—but it normally nibbles nuts.
by David Catchpoole
Piranhas are renowned for tearing the flesh off live animals that venture into South American rivers. But has their fearsome reputation been greatly exaggerated?
by David Catchpoole