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Some strengths and weaknesses of the polymer shield explanation for soft tissue fossils
Does the evidence justify invoking this mechanism to preserve soft tissues for millions of years?
by Brian Thomas, Stephen Taylor, and Kevin Anderson
Have uniformitarians rescued the ‘Pacemaker of the Ice Ages’ paper?
Is the data on which the secular Milankovitch theory of climate forcing saved by a 1997 paper?
by Jake Hebert
‘Dinosaur Age’ bacteria revived from deep sea bed
Biologists can’t understand how seabed bacteria dormant since the ‘age of dinosaurs’ have been revived with full functionality
by David Catchpoole
'Earliest' ancestor of cephalopods
Could a fossil cephalopod with 10 arms be considered ancestral to today’s species of octopus?
by Lucien Tuinstra
The universe isn’t old, it’s just tired!
The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy (disorder) of the universe increases through time.
by James (Jim) R. Hughes
Racemization of amino acids under natural conditions: part 4—racemization always exceeds the rate of peptide elongation in aqueous solution
Do amino acids racemize in water faster than peptides can grow?
by Royal Truman and Boris Schmidtgall
Bird tracks before birds existed?
Sneak peek for the latest Creation magazine: Bird tracks found in South Africa date a long time before birds, according to evolution’s deep time.
by Don Batten
Does Carbon Dating Prove Millions of Years?
Does Carbon Dating Prove Millions of Years?
by Joel Tay and Scott Gillis
Uniformitarian paleoaltimetry estimates questionable
What assumptions and challenges call into question long-age attempts to assess the height of the land in the past?
by Michael J. Oard
Evolutionists can’t prove millions-of-years
Why all ‘dating’ methods have fatal flaws, so can’t be disproofs of the biblical timescale.
by Tas Walker