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Radiometric dating breakthroughs
Radiometric dating breakthroughs
by Carl Wieland, Australia
'Earliest' ancestor of cephalopods
Could a fossil cephalopod with 10 arms be considered ancestral to today’s species of octopus?
by Lucien Tuinstra
Using the earth’s magnetic field for navigation
How will animals be able to navigate using the earth’s magnetic field, as it decays away?
by Jim Hughes
‘Dinosaur Age’ bacteria revived from deep sea bed
Biologists can’t understand how seabed bacteria dormant since the ‘age of dinosaurs’ have been revived with full functionality
by David Catchpoole
‘Billions of years’ makes Christians dumb (and atheists loud)
A brilliant way to muzzle Christians: Get them to believe in long ages.
by David Catchpoole
“830-million-year-old” microorganisms?
Microorganisms discovered in salt are reportedly 830 million years old, but this goes against all the laws of chemistry and molecular break-down
by Gavin Cox
William Pengelly’s Brixham cave excavations, and belief in the antiquity of man
William Pengelly’s 19th century cave excavations in Brixham, southwest England, encouraged support of the erroneous belief in the antiquity of mankind beyond the biblical timeframe.
by Andrew Sibley
Did God create over billions of years?
The god of an old earth is not the God of Christianity.
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
Ice core oscillations and abrupt climate changes: part 2—Antarctic ice cores
How did these ‘rapid’ fluctuations measured in Antarctic ice cores arise after the Flood?
by Michael J. Oard
Caving in to creation
Carl Wieland interviews Romanian geologist and world cave authority Dr Emil Silvestru
by Carl Wieland
More questions on the dating of Mount St Helens lava dome
See how they have been answered many times and understand the key concept to dismiss dating doubts
by Tas Walker
Breakthrough in paleomagnetic measurement
Paleomagnetic measurements in archaeological material belonging to the time of the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem may well lead to accurately calibrating carbon-14 dating
by Gavin Cox