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Difficult to believe that they are all wrong on the age of the earth
The Bible provides the foundations for the answers
by The Team at CMI
Evolutionist debater fails to understand young-earth arguments
A young supporter asks some questions about young-earth evidence raised by an evolutionary debater. The response points out some of the evolutionist’s misunderstandings and even outright errors, and the role of axioms in the debate.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Carbon-14 in diamonds: Refuting Talk.Origins
Carbon-14 in Diamonds is still a problem for evolutionists.
by Joel Tay
DNA detected in duckbilled dino
More headaches for the ‘millions of years’ story
by Phil Robinson
Footprint fiasco
If radiometric dating is objective science then why do researchers disagree so widely over the results?
by Tas Walker and David Catchpoole
Radiometric backflip
The discovery of bird tracks in ‘Late Triassic’ rocks once again puts a big question mark over the veracity of long-age radiometric techniques
by Jonathan O'Brien
Time fears the pyramids?
How the Egyptian pyramids fit into the true biblical history
by Gavin Cox
The oceans show us a young Earth
Using the same philosophy (uniformitarianism) employed by evolutionists, the oceans fail to live up to old-earth expectations.
by Paul Price
Dinosaur proteins and radiocarbon wreak ‘Jurassic World’ havoc
Collaborative creation research falsifies the evolutionary dates for the alleged ‘age of dinosaurs’.
by Brian Thomas
Why I’m finally a young-earth creationist
CMI’s Dr Jim Mason responds to Dr Luke Barnes’ Premier Christianity magazine article, “Why I’m no longer a young-earth creationist”
by Jim Mason
Caving in to creation
Carl Wieland interviews Romanian geologist and world cave authority Dr Emil Silvestru
by Carl Wieland
Oxygen in comet atmosphere undermines billions of years
Space probe Rosetta finds oxygen gas found in coma of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko
by Jonathan Sarfati