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The scars of a nation
The scars of the treatment that first Australians received is a lesson in how not to treat people.
by Carl Wieland
New footprints from Ileret, Kenya, supposed to be from human evolutionary ancestor
And all based on the angle of the big toe!
by Michael J. Oard
African invasion of the bodysnatchers
In the heyday of evolutionary racism, materialistic scientists saw dark-skinned people as mere specimens to be studied, and they engaged in the macabre trade of body parts from various countries.
by William Johnson
Consciousness: a problem for naturalism
Evolution does not explain human language or consciousness, which is a serious problem for naturalism and atheism.
by Daniel Tate
Jack Cuozzo, orthodontics
Why he believes in six day creation.
An overview of the Denisovan puzzle
How can we understand the mysterious Denisovan people from a biblical perspective?
by Peter Line
“No To Racism” campaign backlash
Will racism ever be eradicated? Does the world have the remedy? A return to biblical creation is needed: God made from one man every nation of mankind.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Modern science catches up with Neandertal man
Modern science shows that Neandertals are fully human.
by Jean O'Micks
Walking monkey business in Israel
by Carl Wieland
Paleoanthropology in Australia—Homo erectus and modern human origins
Homo erectus and modern human origins
by Peter Line
Hyped ‘hominin’ headlines
Australopiths are in the news again.
by Peter Line
Neanderthals becoming more modern with time
Archaeology confirms that Neanderthal Man had numerous abilities that are attributed to modern man.
by Michael J. Oard