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Jettisoning Genesis and the silent genocide
The astonishing numbers of abortions performed each year is indicative of the complete loss of society’s Judeo-Christian foundations, which should drive Christians to their knees in prayer.
by Gavin Cox
Submarines with fish fins?
Engineers want their underwater survey vehicles to be able to do what fish can do.
by David Catchpoole
Peacock poppycock?
Darwin’s attempt to explain how the peacock’s tail evolved is being sharply criticized—by evolutionists.
by David Catchpoole
From the mouths of sceptics
“From the horse’s mouth”—one has to smile when evolutionary scientists unintentionally provide strong confirmation of the views of those ‘pesky’ creationists!
by Philip Bell
Ultracool Trappist-1 and its seven planets
The discovery of seven planets orbiting Trappist-1, with three in the habitable zone, has given rise to claims of habitability. However, neither life nor even water have been found there.
by Russell Grigg
Sorry, how many feathers did you find?
Tongtianlong limosus—More feathered-dinosaur story telling that doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.
by Phil Robinson
Reproduction: the essential sign of life
What can a coffee table teach us about the beginning of life?
by Gordon Howard
African invasion of the bodysnatchers
In the heyday of evolutionary racism, materialistic scientists saw dark-skinned people as mere specimens to be studied, and they engaged in the macabre trade of body parts from various countries.
by William Johnson
Open questions on the Origin of Life in 2014
For those seeking to explain life’s origins from an evolutionary perspective, the gap between aspirations and evidence remains vast.
by Peter M Murphy
Indoctrinating children
The UK’s National Secular Society does not want religious creationism taught in schools, but they are OK with religious humanism being taught.
by Jim Mason
Theistic evolutionary doublespeak
A review of The Language of Science and Faith by Karl W. Giberson and Francis S. Collins.
by Lita Sanders
Genesis, history and Haeckel’s diagrams
Is Genesis history? And universities still use Haeckel’s fraudulent embryo diagrams!
by Jonathan Sarfati and David Catchpoole