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Australia's largest dinosaur drowned and buried in Noah's Flood
Drowned and buried in Noah’s Flood.
by Tas Walker
Massive graveyard of parrot-beaked dinosaurs in Mongolia
Paleontologists puzzle about the cause of death but miss the obvious clue.
by Tas Walker
Planation surface and strath terraces point to a Flood origin for the Chinese Loess Plateau
Such a large planation surface provides evidence of the Recessive Stage of the global Flood.
by Michael J. Oard
Australia’s remarkable Red Centre
Reveals compelling evidence of the cataclysmic global Flood of Noah’s day.
by Tas Walker
Well-watered deserts
How the Flood solves another Ice Age mystery
by Mike Oard
Ice Age megafloods provide insight into Flood sedimentation
Megafloods cause rapid, layered sedimentation and demonstrate that the Genesis Flood was capable of depositing the continental sedimentary rocks.
by Michael J. Oard
Coal: memorial to the Flood
A memorial to Noah’s Flood.
by Tas Walker
Little erosion beneath Antarctica and Greenland Ice Sheets
How could the ice sheets have lasted millions of years with so little erosion underneath them?
by Michael J. Oard
The Tamu Massif, the largest volcano on Earth, erupted catastrophically
The largest volcano on Earth erupted catastrophically
by Tas Walker
Disagreements on the post-Flood boundary: a reason to doubt biblical creation?
Are disagreements among creation researchers reason to doubt biblical creation?
by Shaun Doyle
Candles turned to stone
Found deep in a mine, they help demonstrate the length of time needed to turn buried animal and plant remains into rock
by Jonathan O’Brien
80 whales buried mysteriously in Chilean desert
Marine graveyard is dramatic evidence for Noah’s Flood
by Tas Walker