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Egyptian history and the biblical record: a perfect match?
The historical accounts in Genesis and Exodus are often attacked on the basis of the ‘secure’ Egyptian chronology—but scholars are increasingly discovering that this is itself on shaky ground.
by By Daniel Anderson
The ten plagues of Egypt
Are naturalistic explanations of the ten plagues of Egypt valid?
by Russell Grigg
How did they build the Great Pyramid?
An architect shows how it was feasible, and maybe even how they did it!
by Trevor Harris
Patterns of evidence: Exodus. A review
Increasingly, secular archaeologists claim there is no evidence of the Hebrew occupation of ancient Egypt. This film begs to differ.
by Gary Bates
Mesopotamian monsters in Paris
Ancient Mesopotamian artifacts show evidence of ancient knowledge of dinosaurs.
by Dominic Statham
Ancient Egypt confirms: Genesis is history
The ancient Egyptians knew what many modern theologians deny: Genesis is reliable history
by Carl Wieland
Where did the Israelites cross the “Red Sea”?
The location of the Israelites Red Sea crossing has perplexed scholars and intrigued the public for centuries. Multiple places have been suggested, each with a set of strengths and weaknesses.
by Robert Carter
Were the Egyptian pyramids built before the Flood?
We respond to a YouTube video claiming that we need to re-examine biblical chronology.
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
Ancient civilizations and modern man
For evolutionists, our ancestors must be dumb and ‘on the way’ to becoming smarter, but the evidence points rather to them being highly intelligent.
by David Criswell
Resolving alleged conflicts between the Bible and other accounts of Egyptian history
Egyptologist Patrick Clarke responds to an enquiry about research into apparent conflicts between the Bible and conventional Egyptian chronologies.
by Patrick Clarke
The search for Adam, Eve, Noah and the Flood—in Ancient Egypt?
Answering an interesting question about whether the Ancient Egyptians knew about Adam’s genealogies up to Noah and Mizraim.
by Gavin Cox
The biomedical properties of ancient Egyptian black eye makeup
Ancient man was at least as intelligent as his modern counterpart.
by Patrick Clarke