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‘Early’ galaxies don’t fit!
Hubble Space Telescope infra-red photos of distant galaxies support biblical cosmology.
by Andy McIntosh and Carl Wieland
Bye-bye, big bang?
A high-redshift quasar within lower-redshift galaxy NGC 7319 disproves traditional big bang assumptions demonstrates secular astronomer Halton Arp.
by John Hartnett
Young galaxies too old for the big bang
by Andrew Rigg
Ultracool Trappist-1 and its seven planets
The discovery of seven planets orbiting Trappist-1, with three in the habitable zone, has given rise to claims of habitability. However, neither life nor even water have been found there.
by Russell Grigg
Dark matter in trouble again
Does a new analysis undermine ‘exotic neutrinos’ as dark matter or not?
by John Hartnett
Changing-look quasars: how do they fit into a biblical creationist model?
When light from these distant objects unexpectedly brightens, it better fits a creation scenario.
by John G. Hartnett
Trappist planets not in habitable zone
Three of the seven planets orbiting Trappist-1, are said by NASA to be in the habitable zone; however, research shows that neither life nor even water have been found there.
by Russell Grigg
Physicists’ dark secret: Fast stars have not had time to fly apart
There’s a message in the stars for scientists.
by John Hartnett
Youngest and brightest galaxy … or is it?
Artistry and the big bang story take over where the data leaves off
by John Hartnett
New Images from the James Webb Telescope
Someone writes in to ask about the significance of the new photos taken by the James Webb Telescope.
by Bruce Lawrence
Creation argument against the big bang no longer sustainable—CMB shadows and galaxy clusters
Creationists should now avoid using this argument.
by John G. Hartnett
Confirmed: physical association between parent galaxies and quasar families
What does this mean for big bang and biblical creation?
by John Hartnett