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Light-travel time: a problem for the big bang
The vast distances of space prove to be a huge problem for an evolutionary view of the universe.
by Jason Lisle
How can distant starlight reach us in just 6,000 years?
Creationists have more in their armoury now to deal with that question than ever before—while the problems for long-age evolutionists just get worse.
by Mark Harwood
Starlight and time—a further breakthrough
An Australian physics professor shows how light would have reached Earth from the most distant stars in an extremely short time, demolishing one of the major objections to biblical creation.
by Carl Wieland
A 5D spherically symmetric expanding universe is young
How do billions of years of light travel time fit into Creation Week?
by John Hartnett
Modern science in creationist thinking
As biblical creationists, can we know what God did when he created this vast universe?
by John Hartnett
God and the electron
Professor Keith Wanser is a physicist who sees overwhelming evidence for recent, six-day creation.
by Carl Wieland and Jonathan Sarfati
Faster than Light?
A star appears to explode faster than the cosmic speed limit.
by Joshua Howells
Distant starlight and the days of Genesis 1
How should we approach the distant starlight travel time issue? How do we argue against day-age theory?
by Shaun Doyle
Exploring the heavens
Former New South Wales (Australia) Government Astronomer (Dr David King) affirms that the heavens do indeed declare God’s glory.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Plenty of time
For oil reserves, for distant starlight to reach the earth, and for God (who created time)
by Jonathan Sarfati and David Catchpoole
Answering a most-asked question
Does distant starlight conflict with the Bible's account of recent 6-day creation?
by Don Batten
Distant starlight, and dino and human fossils
The Horizon problem: the big banger’s own distant starlight problem, and more evidence against the big bang. Why are there no mass graveyards of human and dino fossils?
by Jonathan Sarfati and David Catchpoole