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Nuclear fusion: the future of energy?
Will nuclear fusion be the energy provider of the future? Joint European Torus breaks record and paves the way for ITER.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Synchronized dance of dwarf galaxies
Stumps big bang boffins
by John Hartnett
The Manx comet and naturalistic assumptions
Naturalistic assumptions can get in the way of understanding the origin of solar system objects.
by Wayne Spencer
Spiral galaxies: too many for the big bang
Supercomputer simulations show that proposed dark matter halos cause too many galaxy collisions.
by Joshua Howells
Why would a designer leave debris floating in space?
Are cratered planetary landscapes and moonscapes, and colliding galaxies, evidence against an Intelligent Designer?
by Andrew Sibley
Comet conundrum
Where are the small craters expected by the ‘billions of years’ framework on Pluto’s moon Charon?
by Mark Harwood
The Seven-Day Week
Around the world today, people observe a seven-day week. Why do we have the concept of a week at all?
by James (Jim) R. Hughes
The volcanism and age of Io
Does recent modelling solve the long-age problems with Io?
by Wayne Spencer
The origin of meteorite chondrules
A naturalistic origin for these is not even in sight.
by Michael J. Oard
John Grigg, comet discoverer and Christian
A pioneering astronomer in New Zealand who discovered several comets, and also a devoted Christian.
by Russell Grigg
Did Earth’s axial tilt originate at Noah’s Flood?
The earth’s axial tilt is a deliberate design feature, not a mere accidental happenstance.
by Joshua Howells
Electron is perfectly spherical
Perfectly spherical electron supports Standard Model of Particle Physics. However, this model undermines big bang dogma because there is still no answer to missing antimatter.
by Jonathan Sarfati