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The truth about the Galileo affair
Contrary to popular opinion, Galileo was neither a martyr to science, nor the victim of a war between science and faith.
by Dominic Statham
Modern science in creationist thinking
As biblical creationists, can we know what God did when he created this vast universe?
by John Hartnett
More problems for the ‘Oort comet cloud’
Since it cannot be detected, the Oort cloud is not a scientific concept.
by Danny Faulkner
Created to be inhabited
An amazing number of special conditions have come together on Earth making it incredibily suitable for life.
by Mark Harwood
The New Pluto
As scientists digest information from Pluto, it’s obvious the planet is young and defies long-age expectations.
by David Coppedge
Kuiper Belt Objects: solution to short-period comets?
by Robert Newton
New creation cosmology
Dr Humphreys’ new time dilation creation cosmology solves the distant starlight problem for relatively close stars.
by Russ Humphreys
The big bang is not a Reason to Believe!
A research physics professor, Dr John Hartnett points out how Scripture’s version of events differs completely from the big bang/long-ages model and defends creationist claims of problems with ‘inflation’.
by John G. Hartnett
Venus: Cauldron of fire
The beautiful morning and evening star holds a fiery secret underneath its cloudy veil—a world so hot that lead will melt at its surface.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Evidence of a watery origin for the solar system
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of an article from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Andrew Rigg
WMAP ‘proof’ of big bang fails normal radiological standards
COBE and WMAP satellite maps of cosmic microwave background fluctuations allegedly prove the big bang. But a radiology expert shows they are unreliable, miserably failing radiology standards.
by John Hartnett
An eternal big bang universe
Not content with everything creating itself from nothing, the latest development in big bang theory even does away with a beginning.
by John Hartnett