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Plants and Darwinism
07 Nov 2014
The design in the complex movements of plants is obvious.
by Charles K Pallaghy
More reasons to doubt Darwin
06 Nov 2014
Stephen Meyer’s assessment of the facts regarding the ‘Cambrian Explosion’ is a devastating exposé of further fatal flaws in the Darwinian dogma.
by Philip Bell
The Mormon Creation according to Joseph Smith
05 Nov 2014
Mormon founder Joseph Smith taught a very different understanding of our origins to the Genesis account of Creation.
Let all views be heard, dissenters say—teach only one view, suppressers say
04 Nov 2014
Despite saturation presentation of evolution as fact in the classroom and by the media, a significant percentage of people still want to hear about alternatives such as creation.
by Warren Nunn
Secularism is atheism
03 Nov 2014
Once-Christian nations are now ‘secular’ (God-less); how did this come about?
by Don Batten
Scientific ‘fact’, the Word of God and understanding
02 Nov 2014
Some Christians accuse creationists of being too argumentative. Is the criticism justified?
by Carl Wieland
The Pope on evolution
01 Nov 2014
While papal pronouncements have no authority over Protestants, the Pope’s statement about evolution and the big bang made headlines.
by Lita Sanders
The recent, rapid formation of the Mount Isa orebodies during Noah’s Flood
31 Oct 2014
Metal ores and their enclosing sediments could have been deposited in less than 20 days!
by Andrew Snelling
Resisting the secular slide
30 Oct 2014
Censorship of those who advocate truth has gone on since the dawn of humanity, but the values of the Council of Europe take this to a new level, claiming that creationists threaten human rights!
by Philip Bell
Creation and occultism
29 Oct 2014
The occult needs to be opposed because it is based on the denial that there is a Creator and we are His creatures.
by Gary North
Swedish fossil fern preserves chromosome detail
14 Apr 2021
Catastrophically buried during Noah’s Flood.
by Tas Walker
The American badger
27 Oct 2014
Meet the fastest animal digger in the world. It can throw dirt 5 ft into the air, and has even been known to tunnel down through asphalt.
by Jacob Howard