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Defying deep-time dogma
25 Oct 2021
Showing how cave structures don’t always form by ‘slow and gradual’ processes.
by Gavin Cox
Evolution cannot take credit for morality
23 Oct 2021
Answering the claim that morality can arise through a naturalistic evolutionary process.
by Keaton Halley
The volcanism and age of Io
22 Oct 2021
Does recent modelling solve the long-age problems with Io?
by Wayne Spencer
Christian critic calls young-earth creationism “laughable and dangerous”
21 Oct 2021
Response to a correspondent who takes issue with Genesis as literal history.
by Keaton Halley
“It’s not my job to save people!”
19 Oct 2021
Remembering our role in evangelism can encourage us when sharing our faith.
by Gary Bates
Former cancer researcher vs creation compromise
18 Oct 2021
Former cancer researcher explains why evolution is irrelevant to real science, and how evolution undermines the Gospel
by Jonathan Sarfati
Answering the village atheist
16 Oct 2021
People sometimes feel overwhelmed by the constant onslaught of anti-Christian rhetoric that others put out, but most of those arguments can easily be answered with a little thought.
by Robert Carter
Twelve rounds, twelve knockouts
15 Oct 2021
A powerful cumulative case against abiogenesis.
by Royal Truman
Rails derail Darwinism
13 Oct 2021
Flightlessness is devolution, not evolution.
by Matthew Cserhati
UK Prime Minister addresses Climate Change, but undermines Christian doctrines
12 Oct 2021
In a speech on Climate Change the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson undermined a basic Christian doctrine relating to the status, duties and rights of mankind.
by Andrew Sibley
Trilobite conga line vs evolutionary timeline
11 Oct 2021
Amazingly preserved trilobite fossils testify to rapid fossil formation during Noah’s Flood
by Philip Robinson
Fossil time ranges continue to be increased
08 Oct 2021
Evolutionists cannot challenge creationists to explain the order in the fossil record, since that order appears to be far from established.
by Michael J. Oard