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Page 11 of 26 (309 Articles)
How does God relate to time?
God has no beginning or end, but what does that mean for how He relates to time?
by Shaun Doyle
The Fall and the existence of other religions
If there is only one true god, then how come the world today has diverse religions?
by Lita Sanders
Top Ten Biblical Problems for Young Earth Creationism—Answered
Answers to challenges from a popular YouTube apologist, who posted an intellectually dishonest hatchet job on young-earth creation.
by Keaton Halley
Defending the authority of Scripture
Lael Weinberger talks with leading Bible expositor John MacArthur
by Lael Weinberger
The Church Fathers on the Genesis Flood
The Church Fathers were practically unanimous in affirming the historical reality and global extent of the Genesis Flood.
by Paul Garner
On evolution and fraud
Why is evolutionary theory so full of deliberate frauds? And is this the major creationist argument against evolution?
by Joel Tay
The Masoretic text of Genesis 5 and 11 is still the most reliable
Interacting with Henry Smith’s latest response to our textual research.
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
Church shock: ‘Can you marry your relative?’
No-one would dare to even think of marrying their relative … or would they?
by David Catchpoole
Modern medicine?
by David A. Wise
Creation in-depth: Genesis confirmed in clay
Despite secular claims that the Genesis account is a myth borrowed from various earlier sources, author Bill Cooper discovers the reverse is true.
by Dominic Statham
Do I have to believe in a historical Genesis to be saved?
It all depends on what the gospel is.
by Shaun Doyle
The Santa Claus myth vs the God of the Bible
Despite the claims of some, a ‘jolly’ man in a red suit should never be compared with our Creator and Saviour.
by Margaret Wieland