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Page 23 of 26 (309 Articles)
How the Scriptures affirm a literal and historical six-day creation
How can we tell that the Bible doesn’t just depict God making the world in six days?
by Shaun Doyle
The Gabriel Revelation and Jesus’ resurrection
Does the New Testament plagiarize its notion of Jesus’ resurrection on the third day from the Gabriel Revelation?
by Shaun Doyle
Egypt and the short Sojourn: Part 1
The debate between a long and a short Egyptian Sojourn continues, but there are many things in the Bible and Egyptian archaeology that correspond to the short Sojourn.
by Robert Carter, Gary Bates
Is CMI confusing Egyptian chronology?
A critic writes into CMI saying we are confusing when it comes to Egyptian chronology, and that Joseph’s pharaoh must have been an Egyptian.
by Gavin Cox, Gary Bates
‘Beginnings’ before Genesis 1:1?
Does the dependent clause reading of Genesis 1:1 support the compatibility of the Bible with ‘billions of years’?
by Shaun Doyle
Must God give people a chance at salvation?
God is perfectly good. Does that mean he must give everyone a chance at salvation?
by Shaun Doyle
John Nelson Darby, the Scofield Reference Bible, and the rise of old-earth creationism
How did they help promote old earth creationism?
by Andrew Sibley
Christianity vs Hinduism
What are the differences? Why embrace Christianity?
by Shaun Doyle
Jesus’ resurrection, exile, and new creation
How Jesus’ resurrection is the beginning of a new Genesis 1 creation event.
by Shaun Doyle
Why marriage matters
Genesis teaches us that marriage has been baked into human nature by God, who created us. Social science shows it is a good design, vital for human flourishing.
by Keaton Halley
Doubts about design and the resurrection
Showing how it's reasonable to doubt universal common ancestry and accept that Jesus' tomb was empty.
by Shaun Doyle
Rewilding, artificial foods, and creation
A response to the environmentalists’ rewilding agenda, which would devalue people and diminish the quality of human life. Far better, the biblical approach involves stewardship, and respect for creation.
by Andrew Sibley