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The panda thumbs its nose at the dysteleological arguments of the atheist Stephen Jay Gould
Why one atheist’s arguments about pandas don’t stand up to scrutiny.
by John Woodmorappe
The Jurassic Coast—Icon for the Genesis Flood
How an icon of secular geology provides powerful evidence for Noah’s Flood.
by Michael Oard, John Matthews, Andrew Sibley
Did eyes evolve by Darwinian mechanisms?
Many kinds of eyes exist, but there is no progression of eye designs from simple to complex in the fossils. Even the simplest light-detecting cell requires enormously complicated coordinated biochemistry.
by Jerry Bergman
Braterman ‘slam dunk’ flunk
Retired anti-creationist professor gives grade ‘F’ advice to followers.
by Andrew Lamb
Consciousness: a problem for naturalism
Evolution does not explain human language or consciousness, which is a serious problem for naturalism and atheism.
by Daniel Tate
Cuttlefish colour changes inspire new energy-efficient TV screen design
Human designers of TV screen copy one of the ways cuttlefish change colour.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Dino-bird theory—a flight of fancy
The controversial theory with a long history of competing concepts that is no closer to being resolved than it was in Darwin’s day.
by Jerry Bergman and Philip Snow
Developmental genetics supports creation theory
Evolutionists try to define homology by how it is explained, not by how it is observed.
by Walter ReMine
Amazing argonauts
Scientists finally discover how the female argonaut really uses its shell
by David Catchpoole
Fine tuning of ‘backward’ eye is vital for colour vision
Our 'backwardly-wired’ retina is an ideal structure to optimize colour vision.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Helpful animals
When creatures work together to help one other, it defies evolutionary predictions.
by Robert Doolan
Does animal death glorify God?
Answering questions about the role of animal death in God’s creation, and what value God assigns to animal life.
by Lita Sanders