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Poison-resistant tomcods and the meaning of ‘evolution’
A skeptic misunderstands what evolution is, and what is required to make it plausible.
by Carl Wieland
Vintage Journal: The plantaris muscle
Is this little-known muscle a true vestigial organ?
by David N. Menton
Parrot fashion
Upon seeing parrots’ spectacularly vivid colouring for the first time, some people think the colours must have been painted on.
by David Catchpoole
Genetics and geographical distribution
A correspondent challenges us to explain genetics and geographical distribution in a creationist framework.
by Dr Robert Carter
Rapid tomcod ‘evolution by pollution’?
There’s something ‘fishy’ about how the word ‘evolution’ is used …
by Carl Wieland
The human body—God’s masterpiece
A simple overview of something we often take for granted—our own body—reveals a profound and awesome work.
by Joseph Paturi
Naming the animals: all in a day’s work for Adam
Adam, the world’s first zoologist, did the world’s first animal classification.
by Russell Grigg
A vase of flowers—by special arrangement!
Flower folly: A vase of flowers shows the foolishness of believing nature-is-all-there-is.
by Don Batten
The fish with ‘four eyes’ (Anableps)
The best explanation for Anableps is that it was created on Day 5 of Creation Week.
by Russell Grigg
The opossum’s tale
The opossum of the Americas confounds ‘just-so’ stories to explain Australia’s weird mammals.
by Lael Weinberger
Snakes: designed to kill?
Snakes look like they were designed to kill. How does this fit with God creating everything ‘very good’?
by Philip Bell
Introduction to ID, warts and all
A review of A Biblical Point of View on Intelligent Design by Kerby Anderson
by Emmett L. Williams