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The basement rocks of the Brisbane area, Australia
Where do they fit in the creation model?
by Tas Walker
The Grand Canyon in the thralls of shallow, doctrinaire uniformitarianism
Uncritical rehash of the same set of old arguments that are imagined to nullify Flood geology.
by John Woodmorappe
A new view of Chapman’s Peak Drive, Cape Town, South Africa
Revealing spectacular evidence for Noah’s global Flood
by Tas Walker
How does andesite lava originate in the earth?
Questionable assumptions about how volcanic andesite lava is produced suggests caution before accepting uniformitarian interpretations.
by Michael J. Oard
Caving in to creation
Carl Wieland interviews Romanian geologist and world cave authority Dr Emil Silvestru
by Carl Wieland
Secular scientific problems with the Ice Age
What drives their models and why they have scientific problems
by Michael Oard
Evolutionary troubles with the origin and demise of dinosaurs
Lack of information and heated debates divide evolutionist researchers.
by Michael J Oard
The mystery of the moon
Whatever scenario evolutionists invoke, they can’t adequately explain the moon’s origin.
by Dominic Statham
Post-Flood log mats potentially can explain biogeography
Animals dispersing around the world by either land bridges or rafting is accepted by both creationists and secularists.
by Michael J Oard
The genetic effects of the population bottleneck associated with the Genesis Flood
Is human genetic diversity consistent with Noah's Flood?
by Robert Carter
Egypt’s Great Pyramid, pre-Flood, or post-Flood? Questions answered!
Commenter believes The Great Pyramid of Giza, was constructed before the Flood. CMI’s Gavin Cox responds.
by Gavin Cox
The ‘Great Unconformity’ and associated geochemical evidence for Noahic Flood erosion
Only a catastrophic flood can account for the world’s largest and most intriguing geological feature.
by Harry Dickens