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Page 21 of 27 (313 Articles)
The Missoula Flood—analogue for the greatest flood of all
Analogue for the greatest flood of all.
by Edward Isaacs
Disagreements on the post-Flood boundary: a reason to doubt biblical creation?
Are disagreements among creation researchers reason to doubt biblical creation?
by Shaun Doyle
Little erosion beneath Antarctica and Greenland Ice Sheets
How could the ice sheets have lasted millions of years with so little erosion underneath them?
by Michael J. Oard
Rapid growth of caves and speleothems: part 1—the excavation of the cave
Could sulfuric acid help excavate many caves in a biblical timescale?
by Michael J. Oard
Rigid uniformitarianism and a hysterical fear of the scientific creationist bogeyman
Rigid uniformitarianism and a hysterical fear of the scientific creationist bogeyman.
by John Woodmorappe
Fast, fine gemstones
It’s now known that those beautiful crystals on display didn’t need millions of years to form
by Jonathan O’Brien
Plants feeding on quartzite support rapid plant growth after the Flood
Supports rapid plant growth after the Flood
by Michael J. Oard
Biggest ichthyosaur ever found in the UK!
The largest and most complete fossil ichthyosaur skeleton ever found in the UK is best explained as evidence of catastrophic burial during the Flood.
by Gavin Cox
‘Billion-year’ fossil ‘balls’ (part 2)
‘Earliest life’ fossils of Bicellum brasieri were buried by Noah’s Flood and not one billion years ago.
by Gavin Cox
The firewalkers
Surrounded by fiery lava and floodwaters, animals left their mark
by Jonathan obrien
South Caspian Basin supports a late Cenozoic Flood boundary
How should we explain one of the deepest Cenozoic sedimentary basins in biblical framework?
by Timothy L. Clarey and Davis J. Werner
Planation surface and strath terraces point to a Flood origin for the Chinese Loess Plateau
Such a large planation surface provides evidence of the Recessive Stage of the global Flood.
by Michael J. Oard