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The problem of the wet Sahara
The Sahara Desert was once well-watered. How did it become a desert?
by Michael Oard
The atlatl (woomera) and the heron’s neck
Some have speculated that the idea of atlatl-assisted spearthrowing came from watching herons hunt.
by Jon Ahlquist and David Catchpoole
Can the Ica Stones be independently authenticated?
Thousands of engraved rocks, many depicting dinosaurs—are they authentic ancient artifacts?
by David Woetzel and Dennis Swift
Much supposed geological time missing from strata
Deep time is more gap than rock record
by Michael Oard
Please do something about Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
It turns people away from trusting the Bible.
by Tas Walker
Where was Eden? part 2: geological considerations—examining pre-Flood geographical details in the biblical record
Part 2: The geology and geography of Eden

by Robert Carter and Lita Cosner
Placental versus Marsupial: A tale of two ‘wolves’
It’s not right to blame the dingo, just for the sake of promoting the evolutionary storyline.
by David Catchpoole
Startling evidence for Noah’s Flood
Rock layers tells us a lot about the earth’s past, but some geologists have an ingrained bias when they look at some amazing features.
by Andrew A. Snelling and Steven A. Austin
‘Animal salad’ points to catastrophic demise
Evolutionists struggle to explain an enormous fossil graveyard that includes sea, land, and flying creatures.
by Len de Beer
Long-distance boulder deposits reveal Noah’s Flood
When rocks are found great distances from their place of origin, what explanation best fits such an occurrence?
by Michael Oard
Norway’s live ‘unstable’ Mount Mannen surprises geologists
Geological forces could cause a devastating landslide.
by Ari Takku
Australia’s Aborigines … did they see dinosaurs?
Eyewitness testimony from native peoples leaves no doubt that they lived with creatures which today we know as dinosaurs.
by Rebecca Driver