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Page 7 of 12 (133 Articles)
The awesome wonder of Wilpena Pound, Australia
How the cataclysm of Noah’s Flood explains it.
by Tas Walker
Solar activity, cold European winters, and the Little Ice Age
A concept known as the charge modulation of aerosol scavenging (CMAS) may help researchers unearth the causes of severe European winters.
by Jake Hebert
Glen Helen Gorge, Australia
Why does it flow straight through a mountain range?
by Dehne McLaughlin
Wild, wild floods!
Two catastrophic floods were responsible for separating the British Isles from Continental Europe.
by Emil Silvestru
Terrorism and Europe’s spiritual vacuum
Threats to peace and stability generally (such as fear of terrorism) are not disconnected from the increasing moral and spiritual vacuum in our post-Christian western nations.
by Philip Bell
Why was the UK once totally under water?
See how uniformitarian data about the geology of the United Kingdom supports the reality of the global Flood.
by John D Matthews
The origin of Ayers Rock
The evolutionary story of how Ayres Rock/Uluru was formed does not stand up to scrutiny.
by Andrew Snelling
The American badger
Meet the fastest animal digger in the world. It can throw dirt 5 ft into the air, and has even been known to tunnel down through asphalt.
by Jacob Howard
The Australian dingo—a wolf in dog’s clothing
‘A dog is man’s best friend’? But there are good reasons to beware the dingo!
by David Catchpoole
African invasion of the bodysnatchers
In the heyday of evolutionary racism, materialistic scientists saw dark-skinned people as mere specimens to be studied, and they engaged in the macabre trade of body parts from various countries.
by William Johnson
The geological history of the Brisbane and Ipswich areas, Australia
Your view of the past will inform your choices today, and these determine your future.
by Tas Walker
The hyena—a creature we love to hate
Does the hyena deserve its ‘cowardly and villainous’ reputation?
by David Catchpoole