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Page 14 of 26 (310 Articles)
What was God doing before creation?
Does Scripture help us to understand this often asked question?
by Lita Sanders
Ancient cosmology and the timescale of Genesis 1
Does the supposed 'flat earth/solid sky’ cosmology of the ancients mean we can read the Genesis 1 days non-literally?
by Shaun Doyle
The Incarnation: Why did God become Man?
Why did the Creator take on human nature? How does this relate to Genesis creation and even before that?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Does CMI deal with end times?
CMI deals with end times, but the really important issue may not be what you think it is!
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner
Is God ‘forced by His nature’ to be loving?
Is God forced to be loving by his nature?
by Shaun Doyle
Yom is not an Eon
Some argue the Hebrew word yôm in Genesis 1 means a long time period because they try to fit billions of years into the Bible. Have they got a point?
by Lucien Tuinstra
The Masoretic text of Genesis 5 and 11 is still the most reliable
Interacting with Henry Smith’s latest response to our textual research.
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter
If Christ is not raised
The resurrection is central to the Christian faith.
by Lita Sanders
Hebrew professor affirms Genesis as real history
Dr Stephen Schrader, former Old Testament Department Chair and Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament, explains the importance of a historical Genesis.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Redemptive history and evolution don’t mix
Theistic evolutionists
by Lita Sanders
Evolution and the Christian faith
The first man Adam? Original perfection in Eden? The Fall into sin? Noah’s Flood? For modern evangelicals to disregard Genesis 1–11 as history enhances rather than harms Christianity, doesn’t it?
by Philip Bell
Rainbows, the Flood, and the Covenant
Rainbows were produced by light dispersion both before and after the Flood. After the Flood, God gave it a new meaning: the sign of the Noahic Covenant.
by Jonathan Sarfati