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What should we think of new or trendy Bible translations?
How far should Bible translators go to accommodate their proposed readers? Some important biblical principles are explained.
by James Patrick Holding
Refutation of New Scientist’s Evolution: 24 myths and misconceptions
Second instalment of a refutation of a lengthy New Scientist diatribe against creation: refuting its contextually ignorant and outright incompetent charges of Bible ‘contradictions’.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Dawkins’ Ironic Hypocrisy
Misotheists like Dawkins attack creationist teachings, but give credence to wacky ideas like ‘Jesus never existed’ rejected by historians. Other antitheists like Bill Maher hold even wackier views, e.g. rejecting germ theory.
by James Patrick Holdingi
Church shock: ‘Can you marry your relative?’
No-one would dare to even think of marrying their relative … or would they?
by David Catchpoole
Why Genesis 5 is a key chapter in the Bible
The chronology of the genealogy in Genesis 5 ties Creation week to the subsequent events, strongly authenticating the real history of Genesis 1–11.
by Paul A. Hansen
What’s in a pronoun? The divine gender controversy
A number of respondents to a UK survey disagreed with a ‘male God’. But what does the Bible teach, and what does it mean for people of both sexes?
by Lita Sanders
Evenings and mornings
How can there be evenings and mornings in Genesis 1 before the creation of the sun on Day 4?
by Andrew Kulikovsky
Defending vital doctrines and the deity of Christ
Do we really confess Jesus as God? To understand New Testament confessions, it is important to understand the Old Testament basis. Many Old Testament references to God/YHWH/Jehovah are applied to Jesus.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Is Genesis poetry / figurative, a theological argument (polemic) and thus not history?
The ‘Genesis is poetry’ (Framework Hypothesis) idea is thoroughly self-inconsistent and nebulous, but also undermines the Gospel at its foundations.
by Dr Don Batten, Dr David Catchpoole, Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Dr Carl Wieland
Genesis—the seedbed of all Christian doctrine
A compact, point-by-point demonstration of the oft-stated and important claim that virtually all Christian doctrine is dependent on, or founded in, the history in the book of Genesis.
by Russell Grigg
Easter’s earliest creed
The Resurrection of Christ, and the powerful historical evidence that supports it, validates Genesis history at the same time.
by Daniel Anderson
Evangelical wing of major Aussie church promotes ‘peace with evolution’
The Sydney Anglicans are rightly respected for their stand on biblical authority. But a recent affiliated publication calls for seeing Genesis as ‘figurative’.
by Tas Walker