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Why did God give us a book?
Out of all the possible modes of communication, why did God give us a book?
by Lita Sanders
Christianity vs Hinduism
What are the differences? Why embrace Christianity?
by Shaun Doyle
Jesus’ resurrection, exile, and new creation
How Jesus’ resurrection is the beginning of a new Genesis 1 creation event.
by Shaun Doyle
Easter: What do we celebrate and why?
Discover the remarkable power of the significance of Easter
by Russell Grigg
Do we have enough evidence to trust the Bible?
A lawyer gives his perspective on the Bible’s credibility as eyewitness testimony.
by Cortney Alexander
Adam’s helper and God’s foreknowledge
If God knew all along that no animal would be a suitable helper, why bother parading the beasts before Adam?
by Keaton Halley
Why must God be good?
What does the fact that there can be nothing greater than God say to this?
by Shaun Doyle
Is BibleProject Biblical?
While BibleProject has become increasingly popular recently, we believe that there are some concerns that need to be addressed. What some perceive as minor differences can have far-reaching implications.
by Chris Day
‘Just your version of Christianity’?
Do we condemn to Hell everyone who disagrees with ‘our version’ of Christianity?
by Shaun Doyle
‘Beginnings’ before Genesis 1:1?
Does the dependent clause reading of Genesis 1:1 support the compatibility of the Bible with ‘billions of years’?
by Shaun Doyle
Doubts about design and the resurrection
Showing how it's reasonable to doubt universal common ancestry and accept that Jesus' tomb was empty.
by Shaun Doyle
How the Scriptures affirm a literal and historical six-day creation
How can we tell that the Bible doesn’t just depict God making the world in six days?
by Shaun Doyle