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Where did the Israelites cross the “Red Sea”?
The location of the Israelites Red Sea crossing has perplexed scholars and intrigued the public for centuries. Multiple places have been suggested, each with a set of strengths and weaknesses.
by Robert Carter
Where does the biblical Nimrod fit into extrabiblical history?
by James R. Hughes
Out of Babel—not Africa: genetic evidence for a biblical model of human origins
How recent genetics research supports the Bible’s history of humanity.
by Jeff Tomkins
Who is wrong about the biblical date of the Flood, and the Great Pyramid? Somebody must be wrong somewhere …
John B from the UK writes into CMI questioning the article Time fears the pyramids? How they fit into the true biblical history. Gavin Cox and Gary Bates respond.
by Gavin Cox, Gary Bates
What’s the point of the pyramids?
Does it have something to do with Creation and Noah’s Flood?
by Gavin Cox
Remembering Bill Cooper (1947–2021)
Prolific author Bill Cooper has died (9 March 2021), author of numerous books, including After the Flood, and Authenticity of the Book of Genesis.
by Andrew Sibley
Time fears the pyramids?
How the Egyptian pyramids fit into the true biblical history
by Gavin Cox
The search for Adam, Eve, Noah and the Flood—in Ancient Egypt?
Answering an interesting question about whether the Ancient Egyptians knew about Adam’s genealogies up to Noah and Mizraim.
by Gavin Cox
Egyptian chronology confusion
Christian researchers understand the need for a revision of the standard Egyptian chronology. If Christians are working from the same premise though, why are there such huge differences of opinion?
by Gary Bates
Göbekli Tepe shows evidence of geometric planning
Göbekli Tepe is one of the world’s oldest architectural sites and is associated with early biblical history. It reveals further secrets demonstrating the mathematical and engineering knowledge of post-Flood man.
by Phil Robinson and Robert Carter
Intriguing Ice-Age art
Ice Age cartoons unearthed in Britain’s Channel Islands give insights into the lives of post-Ice Age colonizers.
by Gavin Cox
Was the Bible updated?
We answer the question: Was the Bible’s text updated by later scribes?
by Lita Sanders