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Can the Ica Stones be independently authenticated?
Thousands of engraved rocks, many depicting dinosaurs—are they authentic ancient artifacts?
by David Woetzel and Dennis Swift
Born to communicate
Amazingly, deaf children stranded by themselves develop their own complete sign language. 
by Kevin May
Noah’s Ark on a Roman coin!
The oldest coin to depict a biblical scene. What shape Ark does it depict?
by Phil Robinson
Is the Bible’s historical record reliable?
Does the Bible’s record of Sennacherib’s attack of Jerusalem contradict extrabiblical historical records?
by Lita Sanders
The sixteen grandsons of Noah
Secular history shows that the survivors of Noah’s Flood were real people, whose names were indelibly carved on much of the ancient world.
by Russell Grigg
The sounds of long-dead languages
Many ancient people left a written record of the spoken word, but it takes hard work to understand the texts.
by Dr Murray Adamthwaite
Canaanite DNA disproves the Bible?
Fake news on Canaanite DNA ‘contradicting’ the Bible sets the science news media buzzing.
by Shaun Doyle
Answering a moral relativist
A critic says morality has evolutionary roots, and blasts creationists for their “narrow” worldview.
by Keaton Halley
Modelling biblical human population growth
The number of people alive today best fits the premise that we all descend from Noah and his family who survived the global Flood.
by Robert Carter and Chris Hardy
The authorship of the Gospels and answering the Christ myth
Answering questions about the authorship and sources of the Gospels, and refuting some common arguments related to ‘the Christ myth’.
by Lita Sanders
Archaeology supports the Bible
How archaeological evidence shows the Bible is a reliable record of real history.
by Keaton Halley
The Bronze Tree of Sanxingdui
An intriguing archaeological find raises comparisons with the biblical account of the Fall.
by Stephen Brennecke