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Stonehenge: new discoveries are still stunning archaeologists!
Archaeologists uncover huge new structure near Stonehenge testifying to ancient man’s ingenuity and brilliance.
by Gavin Cox
The world’s oldest alphabet
Evidence suggests that the first alphabet may have been developed by the Hebrews, not the Phoenicians, as commonly believed.
by James R. Hughes
Canaanite Hazor—the Bible got it right
Uncommon knowledge of the ancient city preserved in Scripture
by Keaton Halley
Was Pharaoh Shoshenq—the plunderer of Jerusalem?
Does the evidence line up with the Bible’s account?
by Gary Bates
Jericho after Joshua’s destruction
Joshua destroyed and cursed Jericho, but did the ancient city lay in ruins forever? No. Archaeology and the Bible agree on the events that occurred at Jericho.
by Keaton Halley
Stunning Stonehenge!
‘Stone Age’ relic of post-Babel construction?
by Gavin Cox
Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle provides compelling evidence for the Bible
The third installment of Patterns of Evidence examines the question: can we really believe God parted the Red Sea?
by Lita Sanders
Ancient Roman concrete
The Ancient Romans understood the correlation between natural sedimentary rock and man-made concrete
by Jonathan O'Brien
The languages of babel
How does the origin of languages fit with the account of the tower of Babel?
by Murray Adamthwaite
Where was Eden?
What information does the Bible give us that might help to locate Eden?
by Lita Cosner and Robert Carter
Hebrew professor affirms Genesis as real history
Dr Stephen Schrader, former Old Testament Department Chair and Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament, explains the importance of a historical Genesis.
by Jonathan Sarfati
How old? When archaeology conflicts with the Bible.
Archaeologists discover a spear point “9000 years old”? But it’s far older than either the biblical date for the Flood or Creation. What is the answer to this?
by Gavin Cox